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Affordable housing forum

This Zoom Forum was held on Tuesday, March 30th
Listen to the Recording Using the Link Below

Affordable housing. Available housing. Attainable housing.


These three terms are variations on the same theme and highlight a very real issue for many midcoast Mainers. Workers in our communities, young "boomerangers" seeking to return home to start families, new Mainers looking to put down roots, and current residents on fixed incomes hoping to remain in our towns -- all struggle with finding housing. 


Despite the fact that shelter is a basic human need, a lack of affordable housing -- both rentals and single family homes -- has burdened much of the midcoast for years. Unfortunately, the pandemic and resulting real estate boom have made the situation even more complicated.  Safe and stable housing is a foundational prerequisite that underlies all of our most pressing challenges, from supporting those with substance abuse issues to assisting people affected by domestic violence; to helping our children thrive to growing diversity, resettling refugees, and expanding our local economy.


How do we address these issues and remain vibrant and welcoming year-round towns when we do not have enough affordable, available and attainable places for people to live? 


Join Rep. Doudera and a panel of local and state housing experts for deep discussions of the current housing situation in our community, the  strategies that are currently in place to address the problem, and several new solutions that may help us to effect change. Bring your questions and ideas and join in this important conversation with our panelists and invited guests, including elected officials and housing advocates from the midcoast and beyond.


Panelists include:



Enter the passcode: =q9x$s+F and the recording starts a few minutes into the forum with the first panelist. 

For more information, email Rep. Doudera at


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